Our labs

Website Redesign

Redesigned the IBM Research website to better communicate the brand's value and enhance the user experience. The project involved analyzing the existing website’s information architecture and visual design, then developing a new design solution that improves usability for both researchers and visitors.

Designed for Interaction

The previous website was always buried at the bottom of our About page. It was also text-only, with no imagery, making it unclear that it was even clickable.

Previous Website

Africa | Albany | Almaden | Brazil | Cambridge | India | Ireland |Israel | Tokyo | United Kingdom| Yorktown Heights | Zurich

Only these 10 labs, that marked in blue, have their own dedicated lab websites. Countries marked in gray were not clickable, which previously caused confusion for users.

For this redesign, we aimed to separate the Labs section into an independent website, creating a more user-friendly and interactive web experience. The goal was to engage a wider audience and encourage them to explore our research labs worldwide.

User Experience

Users can simply click the CTA to view the lab’s regional details and click again to return to the original state.

Users can explore lab details not only by clicking the CTA but also by interacting directly with the globe, allowing them to select and view their desired region.

Clicked (either globe or CTA)


Direct to selected Lab Landing page

Prototyping - web

Prototyping - mobile


Granite3.0 - Design System, Digital, Style Guide


IBM Blog - Website, Art direction, Digital, UI